To find queer/LGBTQIAP+ SFF books, please check off the desired boxes, and entries meeting all those categories will appear once you hit search!
How to Use the Search
When you select multiple categories, the system searches for books at the intersection of those categories. For instance, if you check off both “fantasy” and “WLW” the results will be stories that are both categorized as “fantasy” and “WLW.”
Definitions of Select Terms
The meanings of selected search terms. Chosen by the highly scientific method of asking my father what words he didn’t know.
Aromantic: “a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others” (AVEN Wiki)
Demisexual: “someone who does not experience sexual attraction to another person unless or until they have formed an emotional connection with that person” (AVEN Wiki)
Intersex: “a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male” (Intersex Society of North America)
MLM: “Men Loving Men.” Used here as an umbrella term for all men romantically and/or sexually attracted to other men.
Trans Feminine: Used here to represent trans women and girls
Trans Masculine: Used here to represent trans men and boys
Queerplatonic: “Queerplatonic relationship or queerplatonic partnership are umbrella terms to indicate that a relationship defies the divide between romantic partnership and ‘just’ friends.” (AVEN Wiki)